List of 3 items.

  • Step 1: Inquire

    Complete the “Contact Us” form or contact the Admissions Office:
    Joshua House '08
    Director of Admissions or 518.283.2500 ext. 224

    Elaine Kohler
    Admissions Assistant or 518.283.2500 ext.223
  • Step 2: Visit us and Be a Cadet for a Day!

    During the school year, La Salle Institute offers the opportunity for prospective students to visit for a regular school day and experience a day as a La Salle Cadet with a current student! We will provide lunch in our cafeteria and all of the materials that you will need throughout the day.  
    • Arrive at 8:15 AM in the main office
    • Meet with the admissions team and your student ambassador
    • Free access to our cafeteria for lunch
    • We will provide a notebook and pens for the day
    • Pick up time is 2:15 PM in the main office
    To arrange a private tour of the campus or to schedule a 'Cadet for a Day' visit please contact our Admissions Office: 
    Joshua House '08
    Director of Admissions
    518.283.2500 x224

    Elaine Kohler
    Admissions Assistant
    518.283.2500 ext.223 
  • Step 3: Apply Online

    Set up an account and complete the online application. Please submit the following documents to complete the application:
    • A copy of this year's most recent school records or report card
    • At least one letter of recommendation – please have a teacher, school counselor or administrator complete this recommendation. This letter or email can be sent directly to our Admissions Director or submitted with the rest of your application.
    • If applicable, a copy of the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan
    • Current physical and immunization requirements
    Applications will be reviewed by our Admissions Committee. Admissions decision letters will be mailed to you directly along with information about next steps in the enrollment process.

    Please note – All acceptances are contingent upon review of the current year’s final school records (including disciplinary records) and report card.