Daily Announcements

Announcements for Thursday, May 9

  1. All students serving in today's Ascension liturgy will meet in the upper gym 2nd period for rehearsal.

  1. Our Penny Wars fundraiser for our sister school - St. Mary's in Nyeri, Kenya - starts TODAY during the lunch periods! St. Mary's is a school for the poor and marginalized, serving over 700 young men and boys through various education opportunities. Most children in the rescue center attend local schools, and St. Mary’s pays their school fees and provides supplies, such as textbooks, school uniforms, and shoes. Boarding is also essential to ensure students get regular and quality instruction, food, medical care, electricity, time to study, and time to interact with boys from various backgrounds and tribes. All money raised will help transform the life of a young person at St. Mary's.

Each cent you put in your grades' container will give your grade one point, while all paper bills will be counted as negative points and may be used to sabotage other grades' totals! The grade with the most points by the end of next Wednesday, in both the middle school and high school will win the Penny Wars and receive a dress-down day! Please help us make this a success!

  1. There will be no Bible Club today. All are welcome to join us next week!